Monday, October 09, 2006

shrooming in Captains Wood

The next morning Mummy, Maggie and I went looking for wild mushrooms. It was lovely weather, warm and sunny. Peter, with his brown felt hat and stout stick looked a likely mushroom expert which he said he was, and he set off at a pace that was tricky for me (a 2yr old in purple butterfly wellies) to keep up with. I spent most of the hour and half walk being carried by Mummy and I decided to let 'Baggy' carry me a few times too. Mummy wished she had a backpack to carry me. Baggy wished she had brought a mushroom guidebook.

After much funghi later, we all knew which were poisonous (an excellent specimen of a death cap was discovered but one keen picker), but were sketchy on 'good' ones. Mummy decided to stick to waitrose own brand. Mummy and Baggy agreed the group was too large and too weird to carry on so we headed back spotting a group of 50 deer along the way. I relaxed fully and fell asleep on Mummy's shoulder (what a treat) and she was quite crippled by the time we reached the cottage.

See this site for the wild mushroom picker code of conduct

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